Nutritional guidelines will be dispensed, monitored and adjusted at follow-up visits after the initial wellness exam has been completed. Protocols may include education, meal planning, supplement suggestions and elimination diets. One may also choose to use this time to receive cooking instruction, grocery shopping assistance or educational tips on cultivating nutritional foods at home.
Areas of Expertise- Gut Biome
- Autoimmune Protocols
- Gentle Detox Methods
- Specialized Diets: Paleo, Ketegenic, Gluten-Free, Dairy Free, Vegan and Vegetarian
- Meal Planning
- Acute symptoms of Cold or Flu
- Immune Wellness
- Weight Management
- Gastrointestinal Wellness (including Food Allergies, Colitis, IBD, IBS, Crohn’s and Celiac)
- Trauma or Bodily Injuries
- Emotional Wellness (including Anxiety, Depression and PTSD)
- Hormonal Wellness (including Infertility, PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Menopause and Thyroid Disorders)
- Skin Issues
- Sleep Disorders
- Vitamin Deficiency
Our work together will be a journey. I will provide a variety of tools that can be used to make great strides on your healing path. It is important to remember however, that results will not always happen quickly. You will find that holistic work can be slow at times while the body takes the path of least resistance towards rebalancing. Don’t let that detour you! Your patience and commitment to self care will be greatly rewarded. As you give your body the ingredients it needs to thrive, you will experience sustainable, lasting changes that can easily be maintained for your entire lifetime.